About Me

My name is Danielle Schipani and I am a young college student with endometriosis. My goal is to educate people on the disease while also providing support for others who feel alone in their fight. With this blog I hope to show the reality behind the invisibility of endometriosis.

I first showed signs of having Endometriosis when I was 10 years old, but was ignored by doctor after doctor for a decade. This led me to an emergency hospital visit during my sophomore year of college, preventing me from fulfilling my dreams of studying abroad. I was first diagnosed with endometriosis in November of 2014 at age 20. I felt so alone and confused. I had never heard of the term and had no one to relate to. I know there are other women out there suffering alone and it is vital that people come together and bring awareness to this debilitating disease. No one should be enduring endo alone.❤

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