About Invisibility of Endo

Endometriosis is known by many of the patients who have it as an invisible disease. It has been given the term for a number of reasons. One major reason is that no one can tell that you are sick just by looking at you. Upon first glance, it appears that you are fine and that there is nothing wrong with you. This leads some to think that you may be lying about your illness since there is no physical proof. However, patients with endo are actually very sick and are constantly fighting to stay motivated and healthy.

Another reason the disease is invisible is because not many people know about. Patients find that not even many doctors are familiar with the disease and therefore cannot treat patients appropriately. The average diagnosis period for the disease is 10 years after a woman starts to show symptoms. This is due to a lack of awareness of the disease in both the public as well as within the medical field. This leaves endo patients feeling as if they are invisible and alone in their fight.

My goal with this display of artwork is to help other endo patients know that they are not alone in their fight. 1 in 10 women have the disease so if you have it, you are in good company. The biggest challenge is finding the support you need. Another goal I have with this page is to bring awareness to the invisibility that goes along with having endo. I hope that through this artwork people are better able to understand what life may be like for patients suffering with endometriosis. Understanding and support are vital to this disease. No one should be enduring endo alone.